Joel is the Executive Director at a UK ministry called Union, overseeing the strategic direction and development of the ministry. He is a leader at Grace Community Church in Porthcawl, Wales, where he attends with his family. He has been a missionary working in 28 countries with Operation Mobilisation on the Logos 2 ship before a doctorate and career in Engineering which took him from Aerospace with Airbus to the Nuclear sector in South Korea.
Joel serves as a trustee on a number of charities in the UK and the USA providing strategic leadership and governance. He is the author of articles and Christian books. He’s also an artist, writing and recording original songs for the Church.
Union is an ecosystem for church growth. Through our School of Theology, church planting platform, theological research centre, and publishing house, we are working for the reformation of Christ’s church worldwide.
Joel’s Books
Revolutionary God is a call to spiritual revolution, calling the reader to a deeper walk with Jesus the revolutionary.
History is full of revolutions, led by people willing to stand up against oppression and lead a movement. People who embody the heart values of the movement. Jesus wasn’t a political or military leader, but he did come to bring the greatest revolution this world has seen. Will we follow his lead?
Revolutionary God is available from Union Publishing.
Big Hearted is an encouraging, warm–hearted read on the theology of generosity
Every Christian is called to give – of our money, our time, our talents – but how often do we give just because we feel we should? We resent the sacrifice of things we could enjoy ourselves, and the biblical idea of giving cheerfully seems almost impossible. Or we give because we know that it will make us feel good. Or because we want other people to think well of us. But this is not godly giving. Our cheerful, outrageous and extravagant generosity begins with unreservedly loving the God who has freely given us all things.
Big Hearted is available from Union Publishing.
For great gospel resources, visit the Union Publishing website
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